Author: Mikkel Svold

  • Understanding Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain: A Beginner’s Guide

    Understanding Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain: A Beginner’s Guide

    The intersection of technology and finance has never been as exciting and accessible as it is today, thanks to the advent of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. These digital innovations are reshaping the way we think about money, transactions, and the very fabric of financial systems. In an engaging conversation with Rasmus Risager Lindegaard on the “Big…

  • The Possibilities and Shortcomings of Virtual Reality (#11)

    The Possibilities and Shortcomings of Virtual Reality (#11)

    Today’s episode is a continuation of the last episode focusing on the world of virtual and augmented reality. However, in today’s talk, we will dive into the possibilities augmented and virtual reality holds alongside all its shortcomings in today’s day and age. Because is virtual reality becoming as mainstream as one might believe? To enlighten…

  • Virtual Reality – Fad or Future? (#10)
  • Web3 and DeFi (#9)

    Web3 and DeFi (#9)

    In today’s episode we will look at Web3. What is it and how is it different from web1 and web2? These questions and more will be answered by our guest Rasmus Risager Lindegaard, Product Manager at the Grow Colony at Lunar Bank. Rasmus will explain this interesting new phenomenon while covering what decentralized finance is…

  • Let’s Understand Crypto (#8)

    Let’s Understand Crypto (#8)

    In today’s episode we will look at cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether. What are they, how are they different from each other, and why is it important to know about them? Our guest today is Rasmus Risager Lindegaard, product manager at the Grow Colony at Lunar bank. Rasmus is specialized in anything that can make…

  • The Future of Food (#7)

    The Future of Food (#7)

    Is the future of food plant-based?Today’s episode is a continuation of episode 6, where we once again will look at solutions for continuing to feed the world’s rising population, but more specifically a look at our future diets. Our guest is Lars Horsholt Jensen, Chief Operating Officer at Food & Bio Cluster in Denmark. Food…

  • How Do We Continue to Feed People? (#6)

    How Do We Continue to Feed People? (#6)

    Are we facing a second agricultural revolution? In this episode of Big Ideas Only we will look at solutions for continuing to feed the world’s rising population. Today, our guest is Lars Horsholt Jensen, Chief Operating Officer at Food & Bio Cluster in Denmark. Food & Bio Cluster is a cluster gathering all the food…

  • Looking Into Space (#5)

    Looking Into Space (#5)

    In this episode of Big Ideas Only we’ll look at the tools that allow us to explore the universe. As well as talking about telescopes, satellites, and probes we’ll try to understand what it is these tools can tell us about our past and future. Today our guest is Mads Fredslund Andersen, Telescope and Satellite…

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